Recent Articles

For Your Convenience

From restrooms that feature plumbing and electricity to simple structures that simply give visitors a place to go, a multitude of restroom structure designs, customizations and options are available.

Building Better Events

Creating an engaging and effective event doesn't need to be a chore. Here, we talked to experts in event planning to uncover some best practices and smart, innovative approaches to help you put your best face forward.

Play & Swim

If you want your swimming pool to attract more visitors, it's important to meet a range of needs and desires. In this feature, we take a look at some of the most innovative ways to outfit an aquatic venue for fun, fitness and more.

Looking Back, Moving Forward

Celebrating 20 years of Recreation Management, we talked to experts from multiple fields about what's changed in recreation, sports and fitness over the past two decades—and what changes might be coming down the pike.

Roll With the Changes

Twenty years ago, Recreation Management magazine was launched by Publisher Chris Belbin—"a new magazine for a new millennium," with a goal of helping you stay on top of the trends, technologies and products that help you hone your competitive edge and meet the demands and expectations of the people who visit your facilities.

Leveraging Technology

Parks and recreation facility managers have increasingly been leveraging technology to help run their facilities and enhance their marketing efforts.

Getting Fit in the Great Outdoors

Outdoor fitness opportunities make it easier for everyone to engage in wellness. And with new equipment options being introduced all the time, you have more ways than ever to expand your audience.

The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County

When I was 15, my dad tried to introduce me to birdwatching at the Merwin Nature Preserve near Lexington, Ill. The hobby didn't take—I was too impatient to learn the nuances—but that location evolved into my original "home trail." From the time I could drive a car, I'd take almost any opportunity to make the trek out there and explore, alone or with friends.