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Maintain Your Grounds

Maintaining your grounds and developing new areas and features is key to keeping visitors engaged in the beauty and value of your site. Part of that job is making sure you have well-trained staff with the right equipment to handle the job.

Select a Volleyball System

When it comes time to outfit your gymnasium, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the tremendous range of product options out there. If you're looking to offer opportunities to play volleyball in your gym, it's important to find the right system. Whether you're getting set up for college, high school or just recreational play, there's a volleyball net system to fit your program needs.

Boost Excitement With Ninja Programs

If you want to attract new members and keep existing ones excited about visiting your facility, you need to entice them with creative and exciting program offerings. Staying on top of current trends and adding them to your programming mix is one sure way to boost enrollment—and revenue—at your facility.

Retrofit Lights With LEDs

As light emitting diode (LED) sports lighting continues its ascent as the cost-effective technology of choice, more parks and recreation organizations are exploring whether a retrofit project—installing new lighting on existing poles—is feasible. There's a lot to consider—from costs and energy savings to structural reliability, maintenance, on-field light quality, and light spill and glare, which, due to the LED optical point, can be worse than metal halide.

Prevent Drowning at Lifeguarded Pools

When people swim at a lifeguarded pool, they expect those lifeguards to recognize and respond to struggling swimmers quickly and effectively. But according to a 2011 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), lifeguards failed between 2000 and 2008 to prevent more than 100 drownings in the pools under their surveillance.

Program Your Pool for Kids

Coming up with fresh programming ideas for all of your swimming pool patrons throughout the long swim season can be a challenge for even the best and most creative aquatic professionals. Programming is the best way to attract new swimmers and keep them coming back for more.

Provide Safe Pool Sanitization

Proper sanitization of your pool's water is a crucial job, helping keep the water clean and clear, and protecting swimmers from potential illness. Managing pool chemicals can be hazardous, but there are ways to make the job safer and more manageable.

Create a Bike-Friendly Community

For many years now, bike riding has been growing in popularity. Whether riders are commuting to work, running errands, getting a workout or just having some fun, communities are finding creative ways to make bicycling even more mainstream. Bike-friendly communities have a few things in common: safe and pleasant places to ride, with appealing destinations such as local parks or places to stop for a bite, along with bike-friendly amenities.

Simplify Pool Water Maintenance

If you are responsible for maintenance operations at any facility (commercial property, resort or apartment complex) with a water feature, it can be a challenge and time-consuming to maintain proper water balance. Finding cost-effective solutions you can depend on that make maintenance easier can take a load off your mind and free up valuable time.

Provide Fitness Options for Everyone

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 23.2 percent of adults ages 18 and up meet Physical Activity Guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity. Inactivity continues to have a dramatic, negative impact on Americans' health, which is why so many communities are looking for new ways to incorporate fitness and wellness activities into their parks and sites.