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Natatorium Lighting Design

The Vanderhoof Aquatic Centre in Vanderhoof, British Columbia is a an architectural showpiece with a unique lighting design that creatively illuminates and integrates with the facility's overall design.

For Your Convenience

From restrooms that feature plumbing and electricity to simple structures that simply give visitors a place to go, a multitude of restroom structure designs, customizations and options are available.

Building Better Events

Creating an engaging and effective event doesn't need to be a chore. Here, we talked to experts in event planning to uncover some best practices and smart, innovative approaches to help you put your best face forward.

Play & Swim

If you want your swimming pool to attract more visitors, it's important to meet a range of needs and desires. In this feature, we take a look at some of the most innovative ways to outfit an aquatic venue for fun, fitness and more.