Recent Stories

Making Connections, Spurring Development

Designing good multi-use trails takes careful planning and teamwork. Here, we take a closer look at how some greenways have gotten started, and how others are continuing to develop.

Expanding Pools of Knowledge

Maintaining good water and air quality requires careful attention to all of your pool's systems and infrastructure. Following regular, recommended maintenance practices helps keep things in working order.

Adventure Awaits!

There are more options than ever, if you want to add more thrill to your recreational lineup. From climbing walls and challenge courses to zip lines and free-fall devices, you can provide the adventure your visitors are looking for.

A Proper Plan

Parks and outdoor sites designed for leisure are among the most beneficial amenities communities have to offer. They give people a place to get together, to get active, to find some relaxation, to play and to have some fun.




Which Moments Do You Live For?

According our annual Salary Survey, published each July, most of you readers out there are pretty happy at work. Every year, the Industry Report results reveal an audience of recreation, sports and fitness facility directors, managers, CEOs and so on who are overwhelmingly satisfied with their work.

By the Numbers: Aquatic Survey Respondents

If you're a long-time reader of Recreation Management, you likely are familiar with our annual State of the Industry Report, where we delve deeply into the who's, what's, where's and how's of recreation, sports and fitness facility management. In this issue, we introduce more specific research into the aquatics industry.

Creature Comforts

Whether your park setting is a peaceful wooded area or a bustling city square, there are furnishings that will meet your needs, providing comfort for visitors and the right aesthetic for your park.

Still Going Green

Parks and recreation facilities, as well as schools and college campuses have long been at the forefront of innovative and sustainable design. Find out how some facilities use small steps to go greener.

New York Gym Gets Connected

At Life Time Athletic in New York, connected cardio equipment will allow Apple Watch users to track their exercise seamlessly, providing accurate metrics to help take their workout to the next level.