Parks for Everybody

Everyone needs a place to play. Everyone needs a respite from the daily grind. Everyone needs somewhere nearby where they can immerse themselves in nature, or in a pickup game, or in a playground adventure.

Unfortunately, not everyone has that kind of access to parks. The good news is that there are many, many professionals working in parks and recreation, in local and state government, in nonprofits and so on to bring parks to everybody. Savvy city leaders know what a difference access to parks makes, in terms of public health, in terms of livability.

In this supplement, we take a look at all things parks. We start off with a look at how urban areas can provide their residents with a chance to experience and interact with nature. (See page 6.) This is followed by an overview of playgrounds that are designed to bring together people of all ages and abilities. Multigenerational playgrounds require careful thought and design, but when done well, they encourage kids and adults alike to get a little action and adventure. (See page 14.) Finally, we consider how the selection, placement and maintenance of site furnishings—from picnic tables and benches to waste receptacles, bike racks and beyond—can help establish a sense of place. (See page 22.)

Whether you're looking to spruce up an existing park or site, or you're looking to expand park offerings into places where people need access, we hope you'll find some useful ideas and advice in these pages to get your project off the ground.


Emily Tipping
Editorial Director,
Recreation Management

[email protected]