RecReport Research

Featuring tidbits of data pulled from the State of the Industry and Aquatic Trends survey results to expand on the initial reporting and dig deeper into industry trends, this research is published weekly in the RecReport e-newsletter.

Ys, Camps Have Oldest Facilities

The average facility of respondents to the 2024 Industry Report survey was 41 years old, with the oldest facilities found among respondents from Ys, at 54.1 years, and camps, at 51.4 years. 

Two-Thirds Reported Participation Increase for 2024

Nearly two-thirds of respondents to the Industry Report survey in 2024 said that the number of people using their facilities increased in 2023, and more than two-thirds were expecting to see an increase in 2024. 

Synthetic Turf Dominates Sports Field Plans

While nearly twice as many respondents to the Industry Report survey said they had natural turf sports fields as opposed to synthetic turf fields, when it comes to plans for the next few years, they were much more likely to be planning to add synthetic turf. 

Events, Exercise, Education Are Top 3 Programs

When it comes to the various types of programming offered at their facilities, the most common for all respondents to the Industry Report survey are holidays and special events, group exercise programs, and educational programs. 

Half of All Respondents Have Fitness Centers

Around one-half (50.5%) of all respondents to the Industry Report survey said they currently have a fitness center, while a little more than one-quarter (27.2%) currently have outdoor fitness trails or outdoor gyms.