Majority of Aquatic Facilities Do Learn-to-Swim

A majority of respondents (81.5%) to the Aquatic Trends survey said that their facilities currently host learn-to-swim programs, led bygraph Ys (95.1%), health clubs (90.5%), and parks (88.5%).

Of those who currently provide learn-to-swim programs, 97.4% provide swim lessons for children, and 64.1% provide swim lessons for adults.

Swim lessons for children were most commonly provided by the schools (100%), Ys (100%), and camps (100%) that provide learn-to-swim programs. Nearly all respondents that provide learn-to-swim from parks (99.3%), rec centers (97.4%), and health clubs (95%) also said they offer swim lessons for kids. 

Swim lessons for adults were most commonly found among Ys (84.6%), colleges (81.3%), rec centers (76.3%), and health clubs (75%) that offer learn-to-swim programs of any kind.


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