When planning a sprayground, there are lots of considerations to take into account, from budgets to usage and the need to conserve or reclaim water. Manufacturers have adapted to the various needs of sprayground planners by creating a variety of water operating systems, as well as spray elements that appeal to people of all ages and abilities.
Q: We would like to extend our sports programming beyond the summer season, but our budget is limited. What should we consider?
A: Spraygrounds are typically designed with either a domestic/single-pass system or a recirculation system. For a more budget-friendly option, a domestic, or single-pass system is the most cost-effective approach.
While domestic systems are ideal when water usage is not a concern, there are ways to design these systems to help reduce water usage.
First of all, design a system that makes water reclamation possible via a retention pond. This water can then either be re-absorbed, or it can be used for irrigation.
Q: We would like to extend our sports programming beyond the summer season, but our budget is limited. What should we consider?
A: Yes. When you're using a domestic water system, you should select water play activities that feature water conservation sprays to limit water consumption.
Rather than allow water to run through your sprayground continuously, provide activation bollards, where children can touch the sensor on a post to activate water flow, or step-activators, where children activate water flow by touching a sensor with their feet. Touch pads activate the sequencer, which turns selected features on and off periodically, to help regulate the water consumption.
Also look for sprays that limit water consumption. Some manufacturers offer a wide range of water-flow options, from those with minimal water flow, through more standard water flow, which meets budget and flow needs in your domestic system. Avoid the highest-flow features, which will use more water.
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