If you manage an aquatic facility, making sure your pool is safe for swimmers with clear and clean water is one of your most important duties. Consistent water quality can be a challenge as more swimmers hit the pool for fun and exercise. You should know the signs of problems in your pool, but also remember that the best way to prevent problems is to be proactive.
Q: How do we know if there's a problem with the pool's water?
A: If you follow the required maintenance and preventive steps for your sanitization system, you should be able to avoid most problems. First and foremost, make sure you are regularly testing the pool's water. Regular testing will make you aware of problems as they begin, helping you prevent them from getting out of hand.
If you need to add more and more chlorine to your pool to maintain a chlorine residual, you may have a problem with organic material, such as sweat or urine. Cloudy water might indicate trouble with your filtration. Algae in the pool is a sign of chlorination problems.
A high combined chlorine level needs to be addressed right away. Combined chlorine, or chloramines, cause discomfort for swimmers. If combined chlorine levels rise, you'll need to shut the pool down temporarily and shock the water.
Q: How can we solve problems to keep the water clear and safe?
A: The best way to solve problems is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. You should have a comprehensive maintenance solution that's custom-designed to your specific pool's needs, using chlorination or bromination as a primary sanitization method. Using these systems with feeders and controllers to continually adjust the chemistry of your pool's water will maintain consistent water quality. Talk to your supplier about your pool's specific parameters, from size and hours of operation to typical bather load and more.
Be sure your staff has been trained on the system's requirements. A professional who understands best practices for maintaining water balance and sanitizer residuals should always be present.
Learn about clarifiers and coagulants, which can be used not only to solve problems with the water, but also can be incorporated into routine maintenance to reduce sanitizer consumption and remove undesirable compounds before they cause problems.
Q: What else should we know?
A: Keeping your facility open and full of happy swimmers can be simple, as long as you are consistently following best practices in maintenance. Understand the regular maintenance requirements for your filtration and sanitization system, test the water regularly, and be sure to keep the surfaces of your pool clean.
Know what the local regulations are regarding water testing, but remember that when bather loads rise, you need to test the water more often. Don't forget to keep a written record of all of your maintenance practices and test results. This can help you anticipate and prevent problems.
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