ASLA Urges Congress to Pass Living Schoolyards Act

Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) introduced the Living Schoolyards Act with support from the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA).

“The Living Schoolyards Act is a multi-purpose policy that improves climate resilience, supports biodiversity, increases educational opportunities, and improves wellness for children as well as for the surrounding community. By creating spaces that inspire and connect children to nature, we can help shape the next generation of environmental leaders to tackle the complex challenges facing our planet. The American Society of Landscape Architects supports the Living Schoolyards Act and urges Congress to pass it,” said Torey Carter-Conneen.  

“Landscape architects are natural partners to work with local schools to create nature-based outdoor spaces that spark learning,” Carter-Conneen added.

Read more about award-winning and transformative school grounds:  
15 Weeks to Transform Colorado's Unique Ecosystem into a Learning Landscape

Seeding Resilience: Celebrating Community, Education, and the Environment at Princeville Elementary School

Landscape Architecture Magazine: The Schoolyard is Sick