Percussion Play Celebrates World Music Day

To celebrate World Music Day on 21st June,  Percussion Play is highlighting the positive effects of intergenerational music-making and its ability to promote inclusive play and bring benefits to both young and elderly people.

The day aims to promote music and encourage people of all ages to participate in music-making – individuals, groups, organizations, local/national government, to fully embrace intergenerational practice, connecting people of all ages especially the younger and older generations.

Making music can have many health benefits, especially for the brain. This can lead to better sleep, being more creative, improved physical and emotional healing, boosting the immune system, and producing feelings of well-being. Listening to and playing music is one of the few activities that has been scientifically proven, time and time again, to lift our mood.

Both young and old can benefit from music-making. Studies on children show being exposed to music from a young age, particularly within a school or nursery setting, has been proven to encourage teamwork, self-confidence, empathy, improved communication skills, and intellectual curiosity. Children who have had the opportunity to develop these skills and behaviors in early life often turn out to be happier, healthier, and higher-achieving adults.

It has been proven that when senior citizens take part in cross-generational learning activities with children and adolescents, it can help improve their physical, cognitive and social wellbeing.  It can also enhance the quality of life of those suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia.  

 Intergenerational play can also help senior citizens have a renewed sense of purpose, it can also help encourage both children and adults to explore new challenges.  Research has shown a wider benefit to communities, helping build a sense of community place-making and improve relations between the elderly and the young. 

It has been proven in younger people that intergenerational play can accelerate the development of social skills, emotional processing, communication and help improve self-esteem. 

When Play Sharity Children’s Museum and Resource Lending Library created a music garden, they fully expected the children to embrace the range of instruments. However, they hadn't prepared for how the music garden could transform and promote intergenerational play opportunities within their community.

Executive Director, Monica Topham, says, “We have a lot of multi-generational homes, grandparents with young children, for instance, and it is magical to see them connect over music.”

Percussion Play has created a range of beautiful outdoor musical instruments played across the world in schools, libraries, parks, hospitals, and senior living communities.  From the popular Calypso Chimes to the Harmony Flowers., Percussion Play’s instruments are designed to bring people together to create uplifting music. 

Jody Ashfield, Founder, and MD of Percussion Play, said: “We are proud to support World Music Day! Our instruments can help support cross-generational learning activities and we encourage everyone to fully embrace intergenerational play.  As world leaders in the manufacturing of outdoor musical instruments, we aim to champion inclusive play and create instruments that can be used by everyone, regardless of age”.    

You can read more research on the benefits of music on the benefits of intergenerational play here.