Make the Most of Storage

When your sports, recreation or fitness facility hosts a diverse array of programming, you likely need to find a place to store a lot of equipment. Whether you have ample or limited storage space, you can streamline your operations and make things easier on staff tasked with retrieving and putting away equipment.

Q. We host a variety of sports and fitness programs with a lot of equipment. Is there a way to simplify storage of this equipment so our staff can easily find what’s needed and put it away when it’s not?

A. Whether it’s volleyballs and basketballs for sports programs or exercise mats, bands and foam rollers for fitness programs, keeping everything you need organized is essential. You want it out of sight when it’s not needed, but easy to find when it is. Wheeled storage carts that can be rolled out when needed then rolled back into storage when you’re finished with them will make it easier to manage equipment needs and keep your storage area neat and tidy.

Carts can be found in a broad array of colors, with the ability to add logos, helping you emphasize your brand or boost team spirit. To make it easier to find what you need in your storage area, you might consider color-coding your storage carts—blue for sports, yellow for fitness, etc.

Q. We supply towels in our locker room, but often find them left here and there, making our space look messy. Is there a solution that will help us better store clean and dirty towels?

A. In addition to asking staff members to perform a regular sweep through your locker rooms to be
sure everything is neat and toiletries are filled, you can also ask your guests to help keep things clean. Consider providing a mobile collection cart to serve as a towel station, providing a central location for visitors to grab clean towels, as well as to drop off dirty ones.

Make sure the cart is large enough to handle your needs. Wheels will make it easy for staff to roll the cart into the locker room area at the beginning of the day. Signage will let guests know which towels to grab when they enter, and remind them to be sure to drop off their used towels when they’re finished.


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