According to Recreation Management’s State of the Industry Report, park restroom structures were the second most
planned addition for parks and recreation in 2023. And no wonder! Adding restroom structures can go a long way toward making a park site more comfortable and inviting for guests.
Q. We’re looking to add some restroom structures to our parks. What should we consider?
A. Prefabricated restroom structures are a relatively quick and simple solution. They involve minimal site disruption, and can be installed in just a few days, as opposed to several months to construct a restroom building on site.
Manufacturers of prefabricated restroom structures offer a broad range of exterior colors and features to help you match your restroom to the existing landscape. Many also have custom capabilities, allowing you even more flexibility.
While separate men’s and women’s restrooms have historically been more common, with the rise in awareness of different needs based on gender, as well as disabilities, single-occupancy restroom layouts are becoming more popular. Private, all-gender restrooms are more inclusive for many users. In addition, single-occupant restrooms improve privacy and security for your guests.
Q. We’re concerned about the added burden on our staff once we add restrooms. What should we know about maintenance?
A. A major benefit of prefabricated restrooms is their ease of maintenance. Prefab manufacturers are experts when it comes to restroom design and will help you select features and fixtures to assist with quick cleaning and reducing maintenance issues. Whether it be epoxy floors for easy clean-ups, automatic timers for door locks, or anti-graffiti coatings for walls. You will want to ensure staff is performing regular sweeps to refill toilet paper and other necessities and keep an eye on any potential problems like graffiti. Keep in mind providing only the essentials is key and choosing building materials that are durable enough to withstand years of use and abuse.
For More Information
Public Restroom Company