Outfitting your park with a large shelter is a great way to provide an aesthetic centerpiece that can help visitors get
out of the weather or protect themselves from the sun. In addition, shelters can be used in myriad ways to expand your programming capabilities, boost your revenues and more.
Q. We’d like to add a large shelter to our park, but we want to be sure it gets used. What should we consider?
A. Large shelters are a popular amenity, and on major holidays like Memorial Day and the 4th of July, they can be in high demand. But what about the rest of the year?
Large shelters are the ideal venue for gatherings like family reunions, barbecues and more. If your shelter is an especially popular venue for events like these, a reservation system is a way to eliminate conflict. You can even help grow your revenues by charging a fee for using your most popular shelters.
At less busy times, large shelters can be used for other purposes. If your facility hosts day camps in the summer, for example, consider using a shelter as a central meeting place, or as an outdoor classroom for arts and crafts, and other programs.
If you plan to offer your shelter for events and programming, consider adding power and lighting. This expands the kinds of activities possible at your site. If you have no electrical connection nearby, a solar package can add power to your shelter.
Q. What else should we know?
A. A variety of premanufactured shelters are available, and the vast array of options means it is simple to find the perfect structure to complement your site’s aesthetic, whether it’s a rustic picnic shelter or a more formal pavilion.
If you want to get a truly unique look for your site, ask about customization options. For example, you could add ornamentation to your shelter that highlights local geography.
You’ll also want to be sure to select a shelter that can handle your climate. Heavy snow in the north or salt air along the coast can damage some types of materials, so be sure to find out what is best suited for your environment.
For More Information
Classic Recreation Systems Inc.