When it’s time to find site furnishings—whether you’re outfitting a brand-new park or you’re looking to replace worn-

out furnishings in an existing location—there are many factors to consider, from colors and styles to materials and durability. Like any equipment you purchase, site furnishings are an investment, and by doing your due diligence, you can ensure you get a good return.
Q. We are looking to replace some older and damaged furnishings. What should we consider?
A. It’s always disappointing to face replacement costs sooner than expected, but consider this your opportunity to make a wise choice and get a better return on your investment this time around.
Begin by looking for commercial-grade furnishings that are manufactured with durability in mind.
Coated steel furnishings are a highly durable, heavy-duty choice that can stand up to the abuses of Mother Nature and human nature alike. Steel is strong enough to withstand strong winds, and a UV-stable plastisol coating will help the furnishings withstand everything from humidity and heavy rains to sand and salty air, which means rust and corrosion won’t be a problem.
Q. What else should we look for to ensure our furnishings will last?
A. Plastisol-coated furnishings can withstand a lot of abuse, but be sure to ask about any exposed metal. You can find furnishings that are completely coated—including the legs!—resulting in impressive strength and durability. The coating creates a seal that not only protects the furnishings from the elements, but also enables the surface to resist wear. Be sure the furnishings use tamper-resistant, stainless steel hardware, as well.
In addition to helping your furnishings withstand weather and heavy use, a plastisol coating will eliminate the regular maintenance required for furnishing materials like wood, which require regular staining or painting.
Want a guarantee that your furnishings will stand the test of time? Ask your manufacturer about their warranty. While many furnishings have warranties of five to 10 years, you can find options featuring warranties as long as 20 years, ensuring that your new furnishings will stand the test of time.
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Premier Polysteel