Engage More Effectively

Successful programming is all about knowing what people want and letting them know you’ve got it. While mailed

flyers and catalogs of programs have been a traditional way to reach the community with your program lineup, newer methods of communication including email, social media and text messaging, have been added to the mix. If you’re still sending out flyers and hoping people show up, it might be time to update your communication methods to meet modern expectations.

Q. How can we communicate more effectively to engage people in our programs and other offerings?

A. Your facility’s potential participants are diverse, and they all have preferred ways of learning about your offerings. While many participants might still enjoy your mailed catalog of programs and offerings, others may not ever even look at print materials and might be more likely to see email or even text messages. Younger generations, especially, can be easier to engage with digital communications, and especially mobile options such as social media and text messages.

Your recreation management software should be able to help you with all these methods of communication, from print mailings to emails, text messages, social media and beyond.

Q. We’d like to use a combination of communication methods to get the word out about our events. What should we consider?

A. SMS text messages are a powerful tool, allowing you to instantly communicate with your audience to a device they are likely carrying with them almost all the time. The key to communicating via text is to manage your list carefully and use the data you have to design more effective messaging.

The best recreation management software will allow you to communicate more effectively with certain subsets of your audience by filtering audience data and creating relevant segments. For example, the parents who participated in your parent-and-baby swim lessons last year might be a good target for email communications about learn-to-swim as well as your preschool offerings. The young adults who signed up for your disc golf tournament might be a good target for a social media announcement about your new pickleball courts.


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Vermont Systems

