Aquatic facilities offer recreation and fitness opportunities for a wide array of visitors, from casual lap swimmers to

families seeking a day of play. But in indoor facilities, poor air and water quality can lead to discomfort and health concerns, reducing visitors’ enjoyment. Finding new ways to provide optimal air and water quality makes aquatic facilities healthier and more comfortable, attracting more visitors.
Q. What are the consequences of poor air and water quality?
A. Insufficient air ventilation and water filtration in aquatic facilities can result in high humidity, foul odors, airborne contaminants and waterborne pathogens. When your facility suffers from poor air and water quality, your staff and visitors will be at increased risk of respiratory issues, allergies and infections.
In addition, poor air quality and poorly maintained water quality can lead to pool closures, affecting your ability to deliver engaging aquatic programming. That means that these situations will not just affect the health of staff and swimmers, they also can affect your bottom line as your revenues fall during unplanned downtimes.
Q. How can we address air and water quality problems at our pool?
A. Common methods of addressing air and water quality problems in aquatic facilities involve upgrades to ventilation and air handling units, as well as enhancements to water treatment and filtration systems. However, these kinds of upgrades might involve significant investments as well as ongoing maintenance.
A retractable enclosure offers a comprehensive solution that addresses both air and water quality challenges. Retractable enclosures provide controlled ventilation, ensuring a constant supply of fresh air while minimizing humidity and airborne contaminants. In addition, an enclosed aquatic environment protects the pool’s water from external pollutants like fallen leaves and blowing debris, helping to maintain optimal water quality. This, combined with the enclosure’s ability to reduce the degradation of chlorine caused by UV rays, allows your pool’s disinfection system to work more efficiently, saving chemical costs and reducing the risk of waterborne illnesses.
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