Over the years of the coronavirus pandemic, many parks saw a big increase in visitors as people looked for safe ways to gather and get out of the house. Now that the pandemic emergency has subsided, you might be looking for ways to either spruce up parks that saw heavy use or beautify and improve parks to ensure the visitors keep coming. Site furnishings of all kinds can help enhance your site’s appeal, making guests more comfortable and improving the experience for everyone.
Q. We’ve got a number of parks in different locations and are looking for ways to update their appeal. What should we consider?
A. One simple way to improve your parks’ appearance and attractiveness to guests is by upgrading or adding site furnishings. Start with places to sit and places for people to connect with others, like picnic areas.
Park benches, for example, provide a comfortable way to enjoy your park setting. Place them anywhere people might like to stop and rest, such as along paths and trails. Park benches are also a must in locations where people like to sit and watch the action, such as near playgrounds, skateparks, dog parks and other active areas. And don’t forget to include benches in locations with beautiful views.
Next, add picnic tables so families and friends can enjoy getting together in your park. When you also include park grills, families and others can easily gather for reunions and other events. You can place picnic tables under park shelters as well as out in the open. A grouping of tables in a shady spot will make a perfect gathering spot for large groups, but you should also consider placing individual picnic tables throughout your park so smaller groups have a place to picnic too.
Be sure to also place waste receptacles nearby—but not too close! Waste receptacles and recycling containers encourage people to dispose of their waste properly, which keeps litter out of sight, improving your park’s appearance. In addition to picnic areas, include waste and recycling receptacles in any highly visible, highly trafficked area, like playgrounds and park entrances.
Q. Our park has lots of basic amenities like picnic tables, benches and waste receptacles.

What else can we add to make our park more inviting?
A. If you’ve already got all the basic amenities covered, think of all the ways people use your parks and how you can accommodate them.
Drinking fountains are another park staple—and are especially welcome on hot summer days. Include a bottle filling station as well and people will be encouraged to refill bottles, decreasing waste.
In parks with scanty tree cover, consider adding shade structures to areas where people tend to congregate, such as playgrounds and sports fields.
Pet waste stations are another smart addition, providing a way for people to easily dispose of unsightly dog waste. Be sure they are well stocked with pickup bags, and place them in highly visible areas, such as along the trails and paths where dogwalkers commonly travel.
Including bike racks near your park’s entrance will encourage guests to pedal to your park, easing congestion and encouraging exercise. If you tend to see a lot of bike traffic in your park, add a bike repair station.
Does your park include sports fields or a skatepark? In any location where you expect a lot of spectators, consider adding bleachers. Bleachers, with or without a shade cover, give people a way to view the action without getting in the way of players and coaches.
Q. What else should we consider?
A. Site amenities like benches, picnic tables, waste receptacles and more are available in a wide array of materials and colors, so you’ll be able to easily match your park’s aesthetic. Be sure to choose commercial-grade furnishings to ensure your furnishings will stand up to heavy use and potential abuse.
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Belson Outdoors LLC