From sports tournaments to parades and concerts in the park, events can draw a lot of spectators, and everyone wants a view of the action. Bleachers can help give everyone a place to watch, while stages and amphitheaters can provide a home for performances, but permanent seating and staging ties your events to a single location. One smart solution is transportable bleachers and stages, which provide a comfortable seat with a view for spectators, and an elevated platform for performers.
Q. We’re looking for a way to add seating at various locations around town. What should we consider?
A. Whether your location already includes seating that you’re looking to expand or you’re hoping to add seating to a location without it, portable bleachers can help you give everyone a place to sit. Towable bleachers can easily be moved from location to location, and can be used both indoors and out.
For indoor events that require extra seating, look for smaller, highway-towable bleachers. The smaller profile will fit through many entrance doors, and they can easily be moved from one location to another using a pickup truck or SUV. They can seat as many as 108 people, making them a great fit for indoor events that require some extra seating.
Q. We’d like to host festivals with live music and give our performing arts programs a place to perform, but we don’t want to tie those events to a single location. What can we do?

A. Just as towable bleachers can provide a way to move seating where you need it, when you need it, you can find towable staging to do the same. A transportable stage elevates the performance, giving your event a more professional look and providing a better view for spectators.
You’ll be able to host performing arts events and concerts in any location without investing in multiple stages or amphitheaters. Instead, you can stretch your budget with a single unit that can be used in many locations.
Q. We’re worried about the impact on our overtaxed staff. Is there a way to provide seating and staging without overloading our workers?
A. Towable folding bleachers and stages feature simple setup. Simply place the unit where you want it, run the leveling jacks down and push a button to hydraulically unfold the unit. A single staff member can get bleachers set up for an event in less than 10 minutes.
Once the event is over, reverse the process and tow your bleachers and stage back to a storage location that’s convenient for you. Because the bleachers and stage are made of weather-resistant aluminum and hot dip galvanized steel, you can simply park them outside until your next event.
Q. Budgets are tight and we’re concerned about the cost of bleachers and staging. What can we do?
A. Because your new transportable bleachers and stage can so easily be moved around town, consider partnering with other organizations that host events in your community, like schools and clubs, to purchase the units. Alternatively, you could consider allowing these organizations to rent your bleachers or stage for their events when they’re not scheduled for use by your organization. This will help repay your investment in the units over time, and eventually will help grow your revenues.
Advertising is another way to help pay for your bleachers and staging. Allow local businesses to advertise with banners on the bleacher guardrails during events. This will help you pay for the units, while building goodwill for businesses in your area.
For More Information
Kay Park Recreation