Majority of Parks See Increasing Usage

After a major impact on attendance and usage of park facilities in the early phase of the pandemic in 2020, park respondents havegraph seen growing usage since, with more than two-thirds of respondents in 2022 (67.8%) and 2023 (67.9%) reporting an increase in the number of people using their facilities, according to the 2024 State of the Industry Report. At the same time, 20.2% of respondents saw no change in the number of people using their facilities in 2022 and 26.4% saw no change in 2023, while 12% and 5.7%, respectively, reported a decrease.

Looking forward, nearly three-quarters (74%) of park respondents expect the number of people using their facilities to increase in 2024, and 69.8% are expecting an increase in 2025. 

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