Customize Your Favorite Amenity
SUITMATE® Select allows you to customize the exterior of your SUITMATE Swimsuit Water Extractor. Whether you want your SUITMATE unit to blend in or stand out, we’ve got you covered. Promote your brand, your team, your colors, your design—it’s your SUITMATE. All the benefits of the original SUITMATE Swimsuit Water Extractor, personalized for your facility.
Extractor Corp.: 800-553-3353
Keyless Access
KL1000 G3 KitLock by Codelocks is a keyless access control solution for storage cabinets and lockers. NetCode technology enables administrators to generate temporary date and time-sensitive access codes. NetCode works by using algorithms, synced between the lock and software upon initial programming—perfect for granting access via a simple text or email. Wi-Fi isn’t required.
CodeLocks: 714-979-2900
Towel Off
When an athletic organization or fitness company is looking for towels and laundry supplies at wholesale prices, Texon Towel is your source for discount pricing, quality and value. With an easy-to-use website and fast shipping, Texon Towel is the best provider for customers who choose online commerce for great towels at bulk prices.
Texon Towel & Supply: 800-328-3966
Express Yourself
Excel Dryer has collaborated with Boston teens from Artists for Humanity to create unique art pieces using hand dryers. This exciting partnership combines expression and sustainability and promotes hygiene in the restroom in creative ways. To incorporate these eye-catching products into your next project, reach out to for more information on how you can combine innovation with artistic expression.
Excel Dryer: 866-306-1709
Get Smart
VENU+ is the number one choice in smart locker storage for your venue. Our industry-leading GoPod® Locker Systems are designed with storage, convenience and accessibility in mind. Choose from our classic kiosk-based rental system or skip the wait entirely with our patented GoPod® Mobile technology, which allows guests to instantly access their lockers via their smart phones.
Venu+: 800-385-4973
Safe Under Foot
Natatec® SOLID is a durable, watertight and slip-resistant surface for interior and exterior applications of wet environments such as pool and spa decks, locker rooms and shower areas. It quickly and easily installs over most deck surfaces and incorporates a protective acrylic lacquer coating that makes it resistant to chlorine and stains. It is available in three neutral colors.
Natare: 800-336-8828