SHAPE America and BTS Spark Announce Partnership to Enhance Health and Physical Education Leadership

SHAPE America - Society of Health and Physical Educators and BTS Spark are pleased to announce a new partnership aimed at developing leadership skills among health and physical education professionals across the United States that align with the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child, and the Whole Culture Model (WSCC+C).

BTS Spark offers two one-to-one coaching journeys with professional leadership coaches to help health and physical education professionals develop cultures that support the health and wellbeing of schools and their communities. Key content includes inclusive communication, emotional awareness, giving and receiving feedback, addressing bias, and empathy.

"Effective leadership in health and physical education requires a unique set of skills," says Stephanie Morris, CEO of SHAPE America. "This partnership with BTS Spark offers our members the opportunity for tailored support to develop their leadership capacities and drive positive change in their schools and communities."

Sean Slade, co-Head of BTS Spark, North America, emphasizes the importance of personalized coaching: “As a district, school, or department leader, your role has great influence. We help leaders utilize and grow this potential and help them move their schools and communities in a healthier direction."

This partnership represents a significant investment in the professional growth of SHAPE America members, ultimately benefiting students and communities nationwide by fostering more effective, empathetic, and visionary leadership in health and physical education.

For more information about WSCC+C Leadership Coaching with BTS Spark, fill out this interest form.