All interested parties are invited to join ASTM International’s new subcommittee on pickleball (F08.44) for its first online meeting, scheduled for March 18, 2025, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM EST. Contact ASTM staff manager Joe Koury for more information and a link to the meeting.
The new committee is under the jurisdiction of ASTM’s sport equipment, playing surfaces, and facilities committee (F08). The subcommittee will establish and maintain standard practices, methods, and guides that include, but aren’t limited to, equipment, courts, and player safety in pickleball.
Potential topics for standardization will be discussed at the March 18th meeting. These topics include paddles, balls, player safety, courts, and goggles are among potential areas of standardization. The subcommittee will work with the sports facilities subcommittee (F08.66) for court standards, and the eye safety subcommittee (F08.57) for goggles standards.
Other possible subjects for initial standards development include spin rate and paddle/ball coefficient of restitution (PBCoR) testing. This test is used to quantify the power of a paddle by measuring exit velocity of a ball after impact with the paddle.
ASTM welcomes participation in the development of its standards. Become a member at