Maintain Consistent Water Quality

If you want to ensure an enjoyable and safe swimming experience, consistently maintaining water quality is crucial. Whether it's protecting swimmers from waterborne illnesses and poor air quality, or providing a clear view for lifeguards, the safety and quality of your pool depends on crystal clear water. Carefully following best practices and manufacturers' guidelines will help you keep your pool and its sanitization system working properly.

Q: What should we know about keeping the water clean and clear at our pool?

A: Work with an experienced and knowledgeable manufacturer to design a comprehensive water maintenance solution that is specifically customized to your facility. Systems that use chlorination as a primary method of sanitization and can adjust to changes in the pool based on feedback from controllers will help you maintain consistent water quality. Talk to your supplier about the parameters of your pool, including the size of the pool, typical bather loads throughout the day and your hours of operation to ensure the system is tailored to your pool.

Be sure to follow best practices in maintenance. Your supplier will inform you of required maintenance and preventive practices, helping you avoid problems.

While chlorine is the primary tool in your water quality toolbox, there are other chemicals that can help solve problems. Clarifiers and coagulants can be part of your routine maintenance, helping to reduce sanitizer consumption, as well as stopping problems before they start by removing undesirable compounds.

Most importantly, be sure you are regularly testing the pool's water and adjust to changes as they occur, either manually or with feeders and controllers.

Q: How can our staff help us maintain consistent water quality?

A: Lifeguards and other pool staff are an essential part of your operation. Clear water is necessary for lifeguards to see swimmers who are in trouble, and well-educated lifeguards and other pool staff are often the first line of defense against poor water quality.

Be sure to provide in-depth training on the operation of your water maintenance system, and make sure they know what steps they need to take during their shifts in order to keep the pool's water safe and clear.

You should always have a professional on hand who is well-versed in best practices in maintaining water balance and sanitizer residuals. To further protect your staff, consider chlorine tablets, which are safer than liquid systems in terms of storage and handling.

Q: How can we plan to prevent problems?

A: In an ideal situation, you should create your preventive maintenance plan as part of the design and budgeting process during your facility's construction. When you follow regular maintenance procedures, you'll be less likely to run into problems or emergencies that might require your pool to be shut down.

Talk to your manufacturer about regular maintenance requirements for your filtration and sanitization systems. Follow all local regulations when it comes to testing your pool's water, and keep records. Be sure to increase the frequency of your water testing during periods of heavy use.



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