March 2023 Issue


Drawn to the Water

Developing Waterfront Recreation Destinations

Communities that have a waterfront, whether it’s a natural lake, river or oceanfront, or it’s a manmade feature like an old quarry, have the opportunity to create a recreation destination like no other. From riverwalks and whitewater parks to inflatable obstacle courses, marinas and docks, and beyond, the options are varied enough to make each park unique.

Changing Places, Changing Spaces

New Designs in Rec, Sports & Fitness Locker Rooms

No longer the dingy, sweaty spaces of yesteryear, modern-day locker rooms offer a comfortable and pleasing aesthetic, providing a place to store things, change, relax and get cleaned up before and after a dip in the pool, a group exercise class or a pickup game of basketball. 

Off to the Races

Expand Beyond Swim Lessons to Swim Team Programs

When you want to expand your aquatic programming beyond the learn-to-swim and water safety basics, adding swim teams and water sports like water polo is a smart way to expand on what you already offer. Here, we take a look at some of the challenges and best practices in offering competitive opportunities at your pool.  

According to Plan

Planning for New & Redeveloped Park Spaces 

Creating new park spaces, and redeveloping older parks, requires attention to detail, and partnerships with savvy designers, community stakeholders and more.

Kids on the Move

Designing Play Spaces to Encourage Physical Activity

Playgrounds come in all shapes and sizes, and do a good job of getting kids moving. Adding features like climbing boulders, obstacle courses and even exercise equipment nearby can help ensure everyone has a chance to stretch their physical limits.

Comfort Zone

Site Furnishings Help Meet Many Needs

Furnishing a park isn’t simply a matter of picking out some benches and receptacles and plunking them down. Careful consideration of the park’s typical users and uses can help inform your choice for picnic areas, seating, entry points and more. 


inPERSPECTIVE / PICKLEBALL: The Pickleball Effect

There’s a reason pickleball is becoming so popular. It’s fun for everyone!

inPERSPECTIVE / AQUATICS: Keeping Water Clean With Preventive Supplements

Don’t overlook the importance of enzymes for keeping your pool water clean, clear and safe for swimmers. 

inPERSPECTIVE / DOG PARKS: The Modern Dog Park 3.0

Where dog parks were once a nice-to-have, they’ve increasingly become a necessary amenity for communities looking to serve pet parents.

inSERVICE / Teaching Kids to Swim, Community by Community

In Kansas, a partnership arose to bring swimming lessons to an area with some of the worst health outcomes in the state.

Web Exclusives

Get Rid of Stains 

No commercial aquatic facility wants stains in their pools. Here are tips on getting a stain-free pool with sparkling water. 

Renovating a Classic Fountain

Atlanta’s Hurt Park and its iconic fountain have been downtown city fixtures for more than eight decades. A recent extensive renovation aimed to address time’s toll on the site.

From the Editor's Desk

Get Ready

Spring is just about here. Are you prepared?

Plan & Execute

Designing and outfitting a park requires thoughtful planning and careful execution.  

Product Showcases

Digital Edition


2023 March Cover