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Park Professionals Work to Advance Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Just about every park and recreation agency across the United States has activities and policies in place to promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) outcomes, according to the 2023 NRPA "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Parks and Recreation Report" from the National Recreation and Park Association. 

Darlington Park Creates Largest Wibit on the East Coast

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With existing spring-fed lakes on 178 acres of land, Darlington Park in Mahwah, N.J., sought out ways to revitalize the recreation experience for the next generation as well as draw long-lost visitors back in. Parks and Recreation officials in Bergen County contemplated many amenities to add to their portfolio of programming options but, like many, they desired uniqueness.

Los Angeles Park Wins ASLA Landmark Award

Vista Hermosa Natural Park in Los Angeles, designed by Studio-MLA, has won the ASLA 2023 Landmark Award. The Landmark Award recognizes distinguished landscape architecture projects completed between 15 and 50 years ago that retain their original design integrity and benefit their surrounding communities.