Featured Story

Out of the Sun

Parks and trails have provided an outdoor respite for many during the pandemic. Here, we'll talk about how shelters and shade help provide a home away from home, suitable for outdoor R&R.

The Road to Reopening

We talked to industry leaders to find out their advice and examples of approaches to take when reopening facilities.


Welcome to our annual Problem-Solver Idea Book.

Packed with scores of ideas, this reference tool was designed to help you tackle your most persistent and universal challenges, covering all the big basic questions. Consider it an industry guidebook of sorts, chock full of straightforward problem-solving tips.



Flexible Building Solutions

Nonconventional structures are showing their effectiveness through the coronavirus pandemic, from flexible solutions easily adapted to healthcare, to buildings that let fresh air and sunshine in.

Coming Back to Aquatics

Operating an aquatic facility efficiently has long been a challenge. We talked to experienced aquatics programmers to find out how the right programming mix can help.

Money Matters

When we asked readers to respond to our annual survey in January, salaries were well up, year-over-year, and in a May Update Survey, we found that the majority had seen no change, as of yet. Tune in here to find out more about recreation, sports and fitness careers in our Salary Survey.

Trends in YMCAs, YWCAs, JCCs and Boys & Girls Clubs

These nonprofit facilities tend to provide a huge range of programs for people of all ages, from innovative aquatics and team sports to fitness, childcare and more. Here is an overview of trends in Ys and similar facilities.

Trends in Health, Fitness & Sports Clubs

From neighborhood fitness clubs to medical fitness facilities, there's a lot of ways for people to focus on their wellness. Here is an overview of the trends in health, fitness and sports clubs.

Trends in Schools & School Districts

The recreation, sports and fitness programming and services offered by schools and school districts are wide-ranging, with some schools providing the only outlet for such activities in their communities. Here is an overview of trends in schools and school districts.

Trends in Colleges & Universities

From the campus recreation center to the athletics department, there's a wide range of offerings in their realm of recreation, sports and fitness on college and university campuses. Here is an overview of trends in college and university recreation.