Featured Story

Essential Aquatic Maintenance

Aquatic facilities come with a lot of working parts that need to be kept running effectively. Staying on top of a wide range of maintenance requirements is essential to maintaining a safe environment for swimmers, as well as protecting your investment in your facility.

Sizing Up Your Surface

When it comes to indoor sports and fitness surfaces, options abound, from synthetic vinyl and rubber surfaces and tiles to hardwood flooring. Learn more about your choices and their benefits, as well as what to expect over the long run.

Parks Gone to the Dogs

Dog parks continue to surge in popularity across the country, with new places for pooches and their owners to play and socialize popping up in communities of all sizes. Learn more about planning and programming these parks.

Attention to Detail

Locker rooms have come a long way from the bare-bones functional spaces of the past. Modern-day locker rooms are designed to please modern-day patrons, with amenities and layouts that makes more sense.

By the Shore

If your community has a waterfront—whether along a river or lakefront, an abandoned quarry or a beach—you've got the ability to develop an amenity that will draw visitors for some passive and active recreation.

Teaching Healthy Eating

From nutrition counseling and education to farmers markets and community gardens, parks and other organizations have found myriad ways to try to improve the health of the communities they serve.

Workout 2017

Fitness trends come and go, and come and go, but there are ways to adapt so that you're always offering something that your members and visitors are looking for.

The Best of Both Worlds

Is synthetic turf or natural turf best for your sports and recreation programming? The answer is, both. There are reasons to use one or the other, but for many facilities, a combination of the two will maximize programming possibilities.

Structural Integrity

Expanding sports and recreation programming from seasonal to year-round can be simple, when you consider nonconventional ways to enclose your programs. From air-supported and tensioned membrane structures to yurts and more, there are ways to get it done quickly and efficiently.

Go! Tech-Enabled Parks

There's always talk about how to get people to turn off the technology and head outside. But if you can't beat the screen, there are ways you can incorporate it into your parks and facilities with tech-enabled fun.