Featured Story

Tangent Wood: The Backbone of Minnesota Zoo’s Treetop Trail

Sponsored by Tangent Technologies

The Minnesota Zoo Treetop Trail is a pioneering 1.25-mile elevated pedestrian loop. Recognized as the world's longest elevated trail, the zoo chose Tangent wood as its boardwalk material based on the product's durability, sustainability and visual appeal. Opening earlier this summer, the Treetop Trail allows guests to marvel at the unique views of zoo animals from tigers to camels all from more than 30 feet above ground.


Darlington Park Creates Largest Wibit on the East Coast

Sponsored by Commercial Recreation Specialists

With existing spring-fed lakes on 178 acres of land, Darlington Park in Mahwah, N.J., sought out ways to revitalize the recreation experience for the next generation as well as draw long-lost visitors back in. Parks and Recreation officials in Bergen County contemplated many amenities to add to their portfolio of programming options but, like many, they desired uniqueness.

Made in the Shade

Shelters & Shade Structures Provide More Than Shelter From the Storm
While their practical function as respites in bad weather is important, shelters and shade structures can do a lot more.

Clean & Clear

Managing Water & Air Quality
Indoor aquatic facilities often battle poor air quality. We talked to aquatic experts about how best to handle indoor air, as well as the best ways to manage water quality.

Strength in Numbers

Outdoor Fitness Continues to Gain Ground
Outdoor fitness areas provide a fun—and usually free—way for communities to get fit in the great outdoors. Learn more about how to get one started in your community.

Dawn of the New Lawn

Renewable Power & Precision Tools Keep the Grass Greener

Maintaining grounds requires a diverse array of tasks, from keeping the grass lawns in good shape to cultivating natural, native plantings. Newer tools and approaches are always evolving.

All Aboard!

The Pickleball Bandwagon & Other Trending Sports & Rec Activities

The rise of pickleball over the past several years has been nothing short of amazing, but it’s not the only popular sports & recreational activity. Learn more about what’s trending.

Made in the Shade - Shelters & Shade Structures Provide More Than Shelter From the Storm

Sponsored by Icon Shelter Systems Inc.

Park and recreation facility designers and manufacturers of shade and shelter structures are increasingly being challenged by a demanding public and other municipal stakeholders to not only provide a safe outdoor place under which to protect people from the harmful radiation of the sun and other harsh weather elements —as important as that is—but also to create architecturally sophisticated and visually attractive structures that can function as welcoming social meeting places. 

Strength in Numbers - Outdoor Fitness Continues to Gain Ground

Sponsored by ActionFit by UltraSite

Spurred by the isolation and quarantine demanded by the pandemic, more and more people chose outdoor exercise and have continued using that option long after social distancing requirements expired. Many gyms have tried to help by starting outdoor fitness classes, and manufacturers innovated with home workout products.

Engage More Visitors With Self-Serve Technology

Sponsored by Xplor Technologies

According to Recreation Management’s State of the Industry Report, staffing is the top challenge faced by recreation, sports and fitness facilities, but increasing participation and engagement with visitors is also high on the list of top concerns. Both of these issues can be addressed with self-serve technologies that lessen the load on staff while improving engagement with all demographics.