Discover Coronado

Meeting in Coronado is always a good idea! Think of it as Effortlessly Eventful. It’s an easy decision to gather on Coronado Island, across the bay from San Diego. World-famous beaches, elegant venues and extraordinary resorts, just 15 minutes from the San Diego Airport. From storied landmarks to state-of-the-art meeting sites, Coronado makes your event is Effortlessly Eventful.

An incredible array of almost 100 indoor and coastal venues. Plus, there’s one-of-a-kind teambuilding experiences, so your programs are not only eventful, they’re memorable. From beaches to ballrooms, every space seems like a no-brainer and decisions come easy. Your toughest decision might be which sunglasses to pack!

Watch the video to learn more!


*Content sponsored and provided by our partner Discover Coronado