Hard to believe it's already just about time, as I write this, to turn back the clocks again, immersing ourselves in the early sunsets and long dark days of winter. As we put the finishing touches on our November issue here, and start cranking out the 2017 Buyers Guide & Source Book, which should hit your desk sometime in December, I've already started thinking about the coming year.
It's one of the stranger things that happens, working in publishing—and I'd imagine in many other industries, too, where it's necessary to plan ahead. We're always some months ahead of the calendar. So even though we're wrapping up a fall issue, I've got spring in mind.
It's probably not all that different for you, as you plan for your facility's events, programs and more in the coming year. I guess not very many of us get to just live in the moment.
And that's not a bad thing. The responsibility of making sure your facility is operating smoothly and offering everything it can to your community is an important job. A worthy job. One that many people in our communities seem to take for granted, but also one that they acknowledge as crucial to their well-being and quality of life, when you remind them of it.
While you're thinking of next year, or the winter, or whatever's on your mind, we've got some great reading here to engage your dark winter hours. This month's issue includes features on basic aquatic programming, fitness equipment trends, playground maintenance and up-and-coming sports that are sure to excite new interest in your facility.
So pull up a chair, make a fire, pour a cup of tea (or coffee, if you prefer) and settle in. The dark months may be upon us, but like always, the spring and the light will be back soon enough.
Emily Tipping
Editorial Director,
Recreation Management
[email protected]
I read Rich Young's article, "The Latest (Surprising) News on UV Technology" in the September 2016 issue of Recreation Management and was quite intrigued with his analysis of several scientifically proven facts that he seems to disagree with.
Some of the facts in the article are wrong and can be substantiated by work done by Dr. Chip Blatchley at Purdue University.
Ron George
VP Business Development - Aquatics
Neptune Benson.
Editor's Note: We don't have enough space to print Mr. George's entire letter here. Please visit www.recmanagement.com/web-exclusives and read "Shedding Some Light on UV" to learn more about his breakdown of some of the science around UV technology, and how different types of systems have their place, depending on the context of each individual swimming pool.
In the October 2016 article "Stop & Go: Style & Maintenance Needs Key to Choosing Restroom Structures," we incorrectly attributed a photo on page 18. The photo on the upper-right-hand side of that page was Courtesy of Easi-Set Buildings. We regret the error.
Please e-mail all comments, story ideas,
questions, good jokes and ponderances to:
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Recreation Management, 50 N. Brockway St.,
Suite 4-11, Palatine, IL 60067
OR fax to: 847-963-8745