Parks and outdoor sites designed for leisure are among the most beneficial amenities communities have to offer. They give people a place to get together, to get active, to find some relaxation, to play and to have some fun.
In order to work well for the long term, it's important to have plans in place for every contingency. What does your community wants from its parks? What sorts of playgrounds will get children more active? What kind of aesthetic do you want to deliver? How will you recover from severe weather events and disasters?
In this supplement, we take a closeup view of some of these questions, from disaster planning and recovery to active playgrounds and site furnishing selection.
If you've got a new park in the works or you're ready to take an existing park to a new level that better serves your community, you might find some great ideas here to help you make your dream a reality. Start planning!
Emily Tipping
Editorial Director,
Recreation Management
[email protected]
Please e-mail all comments, story ideas,
questions, good jokes and ponderances to:
[email protected]
OR send mail to:
Recreation Management, 50 N. Brockway St.,
Suite 4-11, Palatine, IL 60067
OR fax to: 847-963-8745