How Do You Measure Up?

Every year in June, we publish our annual State of the Industry Report, a collection of data we've been gathering for nearly 13 years and compiling to show you the latest trends and information on the recreation, sports and fitness facility industry. As part of that report, we always include a section on facilities that include aquatics.

Now, you hold in your hands our first expansion on that important information. For this Aquatic Trends Report, we sent an additional survey to respondents whose facilities include aquatics to gather even more detailed information on their facilities, operations, programming and equipment.

This report does not replace the information covered in the annual Industry Report, which will still include more specifics on aquatic facilities. It simply expands into new territory.

We hope you'll find this information useful as you assess your existing operations and make plans for the future.


Emily Tipping
Editorial Director,
Recreation Management

[email protected]