All Together Now

"look around me, and I realize we're all in this together. We're all doing it. It's about the kids. It's about the people. And it's about protecting and preserving the environment. These people are amazing."

That's what the gentleman from Virginia said to me, as we enjoyed a quick bite at the edge of the Trade Show floor at the NRPA Conference yesterday. We were joined by folks from Delaware, Illinois and California—everyone representing a slightly different take, but everyone pointed in the same relative direction.

During this impromptu chat, during my conversations with vendors and attendees in the expo hall, and while sitting and listening to a variety of educational sessions, those sentiments were reinforced over and over. We really are in this together. And these people really are amazing.

And guess what? You're one of those people, too!

Whether you're in parks and recreation, like most of the NRPA Conference attendees, or you're a waterpark operator, whether you're running a fitness center or a Y, a campground or a school playground, you are responsible for a small slice of a huge industry that has been making headway on an impressive array of issues for decades. You improve energy efficiency at your facility and save money and the environment. You aim for greater diversity in your membership or visitorship, and you bring recreation, sports, aquatics and fitness to a wider and growing audience. You come up with new programs that engage teens, older adults, and everyone in between. And every fall, as I attend a series of conferences and trade shows, I'm impressed by how the mission keeps evolving and growing. How we keep taking another step forward.

This month, we've got a lineup of stories to help you keep taking those forward steps—everything from simply providing shade and shelter for park patrons, or improving and maintaining your grounds, to outfitting your sports facility with innovative new scoring, lighting and sound systems. You'll also find our annual supplement covering new trends in waterparks, and taking a closer look at inclusive splash play. And, as usual, we've got coverage of products, services and ideas that we hope will inspire you to keep moving forward and improving what you have on offer for the audience you serve.

We're all in it together. Keep up the brilliant work!


Emily Tipping
Editorial Director,
Recreation Management

[email protected]