Sow & Reap


Here we are at the beginning again—and not just the beginning of another new year, but the kickoff of the '20s. If you've been a reader of Recreation Management for more than a couple of years, you already know I have a fondness for beginnings. And here we are! Hooray!


So, with all the hope and possibility of a new year—and a new decade!—in front of you, what seeds have you sown? What bounty do you hope to reap in the coming year? The next five years? What hopes and fears do you have for the world when we hit 2030?

Like most people, I have the usual list of resolutions: eat more healthy foods, move my body, find time for fun, plus a whole host of to-do's around the house that I'd like to see to-done's by year's end.

But I also am noticing seeds planted in the past year, and in the past decade, bearing fruit. Seeds of conservation-minded reading and research have led us to focus on new ways to shrink our footprint. Seeds of hard work and effort are paying off in an ever-more beautiful landscape. Seeds of careful planning have led to easier-to-manage workdays. Many seeds that were just ideas on Jan. 1, 2019, are realities today.

What seeds have you planted, and how are they bearing fruit? Have you come up with a new way to save energy, resources or money at your facility that has led to budget savings and a better carbon footprint? Have you implemented new programming that has paid off in an increase in visitors? Have you added new playgrounds, pools, parks or other facilities that have grown your impact in your community?

Celebrate those successes, and then think of what seeds you might plant that will bear fruit over the coming decade.

To help, we've got lots of ideas in this issue, which is largely focused on facility design. Whether you're planning to build a new facility, make additions or renovations, or just need some ideas to help with what you've already got, the architects, designers and planners we talked to for these stories offer up some of the most innovative thinking on how to make recreation, sports, fitness and aquatic facilities successful.

So go ahead and pat yourself on the back. You made it through another decade! And then get ready to go out there and grow your impact as you continue to bring healthy and fun activities to the community you serve.

I can't wait to see what wonders you've sown!


Emily Tipping
Editorial Director,
Recreation Management

[email protected]