Where Does the Time Go?

"How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn."

-- Dr. Seuss

A couple weeks ago, I attended an indoor concert (with vaccination cards checked and masks required, if you're wondering) for the first time since 2020. Funnily enough, it was in the same concert hall where I saw my final pre-pandemic concert—even the seat I sat in was within 10 feet of the same spot.

One would almost expect déjà vu in this instance, but of course, so many things are so very different now—masks covering the audience's faces and not a cough to be heard through the entire show, for example. What I actually experienced was not déjà vu, but an overwhelming sense of joy and relief. Just being able to get back together indoors and be immersed in the thrill of watching live music unfold was, for me, a peak happening of the past—how long has it been?

Where does the time go?

Over the past almost couple of years, the time seems to have sunk into some vast black hole that memory just barely touches. I've read psychologist-types talking about how one of the reasons for this is that we haven't had any landmark events to help us mark the passing of time—no weddings or funerals, no birthday parties, no dates, no events. And, indeed, speaking for myself, when I look back on my pandemic time, the moments that do stand out were events: my first ever cooked-at-home Thanksgiving dinner, a frigid holiday gift exchange on the front porch and a handful (just one hand) of outdoor music events.

As the world around us slowly cranks back into gear, it seems worthwhile to take a moment and appreciate all the opportunities that are opening up that help us mark the passage of time. And for many of you, all this getting-back-to-normal means you can also get back to hosting in-person and live events, from fireworks to fall festivals and beyond.

This month, we talked to some successful event managers and experts in the field about how they've adapted and are delivering these meaningful experiences anew. You'll find that on page 28. But of course, that's not all. We also take a closer look at managing air and water quality for indoor pools (page 20), as well as taking inclusion from the playground out into the park and beyond (page 12).

I hope you'll find something in these pages to apply to the day-to-day work that you're engaged in, and I hope you'll find plenty of meaningful moments to mark time's passing in the coming season.


Emily Tipping
Editorial Director,
Recreation Management

[email protected]