inSERVICE: Pool Safely: Reducing Drowning & Entrapment Injuries

Pool Safely is a national public education campaign launched by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to reduce childhood drownings, submersion injuries and entrapments. The campaign calls for consumers and industry to work together to adopt proven water safety measures, and share best practices and life-saving information around pool and spa safety.

Ultimately, Pool Safely’s goal is to carry out the requirements of the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act. Enacted by Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush on Dec. 19, 2007, the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act is designed to prevent the tragic and hidden hazard of drain entrapments and eviscerations in pools and spas. The Act was named after Virginia Graeme Baker, who died due to a pool suction-drain injury in June 2002, when suction from a drain trapped her under the water. The law requires pools and spas to have compliant drain covers installed as well as an anti-entrapment system when there is a single main drain other than an unblockable drain.

In addition to getting the message out, the Pool Safely Grant Program works to prevent drowning and drain entrapments. The grants provide funding and resources to state, local and tribal governments to assist in implementing enforcement and education programs. The most recent grant deadline passed in April 2023. Past awardees include the Florida Department of Health, Los Angeles County, the City of North Las Vegas, and the City of Bridgeport, Conn., among others.

Pool Safely also works with collaborators, which are national water safety organizations, family foundations, pool and spa manufacturers and more, to share the drowning prevention message that simple steps save lives.

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