A Place for Everything

Emily TippingWell-designed parks incorporate the wants and needs of the communities they serve, providing a place for activities from play and exercise to cookouts, relaxation, a walk with a friend, and more. In our annual Guide to Playgrounds and Park Furnishings, we consider the ins and outs of park planning and design.

In this issue, you’ll find feature stories looking at park planning, as well as playgrounds that get kids—and indeed, people of all ages—more active. We also look at what to consider when you’re planning to purchase and install site furnishings. We also highlight the use of art in public parks as a way of engaging the local community with place and 

Done right, the park will have a place for everything the community and stakeholders have deemed important and necessary to make the space successful.


Emily Tipping
Editorial Director,
Recreation Management
[email protected]



Please e-mail all comments, story ideas,
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[email protected]
OR send mail to:
Recreation Management, 50 N. Brockway St.,
Suite 4-11, Palatine, IL 60067
OR fax to: 847-963-8745