Notes of Spring

Emily Tipping“The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.”

— Harriet Ann Jacobs, American writer and abolitionist 

It is not March yet as I sit down to write this letter, but despite a deep freeze last week (we were stuck in the single digits for almost a week), I’m beginning to feel like spring is imminent. Maybe it’s the little bit of extra sunshine at the end of the day. Or maybe it’s the flock of robins I keep seeing when I take the tiny dog for her morning constitutional. Whatever it is, I’m ready to hear the notes of spring—the whooping cranes passing overhead, the red-winged blackbirds letting everyone know they’re back and finding the best nesting spots, the owls in the morning, the coyotes in the dead of night, and the rain pitter-pattering on the roof.

That intermingled music that accompanies the great greening up of the woods and prairies means it’s time to begin another season. A season of clearing out dead branches and other garden detritus so new plants can find room to grow. A season of finding new paths to bike or hike on the way to places we’ve never seen before. A season of gradual warming and growing light, making the great outdoors more welcoming for all of our favorite non-winter pastimes. 

For you and your facilities, spring might be a time of busy planning as you gear up and get ready for a busy summer full of programming and events. Or it might be business as usual, as you continue to bring team and individual sports activities, fitness opportunities, indoor swimming, and more to the public you serve. 

Whatever the notes of spring mean for you, I hope that, like me, you feel the excitement of the season’s sense of renewal. And I hope that we all can harness that optimism and make some good things happen this year. 

Be well,

Emily Tipping
Editorial Director,
Recreation Management
[email protected]



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