Recent Articles

NRPA Releases Statement on Title IX 50th Anniversary

"At the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), we believe all children — no matter their ability, age, gender identity, race, ethnicity or household income — deserve equitable access to high-quality sport opportunities," begins the statement.

U.S. Mayors Step Up for Healthier Schools

In an effort to make healthy, modernized schools a national priority in communities across the country, the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM), which represents more than 1,400 mayors, passed a healthy school infrastructure resolution.

Walter Pyramid Turns to L-Acoustics Ai Series Loudspeakers

The Long Beach State Walter Pyramid, the sports and event space has hosted several NCAA events, including women's volleyball NCAA matches, the 2001, 2003 and 2019 NCAA Men's Volleyball Championships, and the 2003 NCAA Women's Volleyball Regionals.

ULI Offers Drought Solutions to Save Water & Money

Real estate and land use professionals can address the challenges associated with drought and limited freshwater availability by prioritizing water conservation, efficiency and reuse, according to a report released by the Urban Land Institute (ULI).