September 2024 Issue
Take Shelter
Shelters & Shade Structures Meet Many Needs
In the heat of summer, nothing beats a little shade. Shelters and shade structures provide this, and many other benefits to the parks and sites that make use of them.
Your Balance
Managing Air & Water Quality for Aquatic Facilities
Maintaining proper water balance, along with properly designed ventilation. will help you manage the air quality in your facility—essential to the health of swimmers, employees and facility equipment.
Bringing the Gym Experience Outdoors
When you provide outdoor fitness equipment, everyone in the community can get fit. Here’s a look at how outdoor fitness continues to evolve.
From the Grounds Up
Grounds Maintenance & Management in Action
A well-trained grounds crew is essential to ensure you stay on top of the regular practices and plantings required to keep your grounds looking their best.
Pickleball Courts Just Keep Popping Up
Finding Balance Between Pickleball, Tennis & the Neighbors
Pickleball has been taking the world by storm the past few years, and as more and more facilities pop up, facility managers are learning to ensure there’s enough space for everyone to play.
inPERSPECTIVE / ADVENTURE PLAY: Designing for Development & Fun
Adventure playgrounds provide opportunities for kids of all ages and abilities to stretch their boundaries, learn and grow.
inPRACTICE / HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM: Fordham Prep School in Bronx, N.Y. Fordham Prep School in Bronx, N.Y.
This school got a newly refreshed athletic training area that works within space constraints to make more room for activities with an attractive, modern design.
inSERVICE: Advancing Women Coaches: WeCOACH
This unique nonprofit grew out of an effort to expand development and networking for women coaches.
Web Exclusives
Setting Professional Boundaries
Regretfully, unwanted advances still happen during professional trade shows and events. Juliene Hefter addresses the issue with advice on setting boundaries in this thoughtful column.
Preventing Turf Wars
Providing enough space to meet pickleball demand is important, but experts advise doing so without taking space away from your community’s avid tennis players.
From the Editor's Desk
Go Team!
If you want your facility to stand out, make sure you’ve got a great team.