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Measuring Up

This month, we’re offering you plenty of baselines for comparison, in the form of our annual State of the Industry Report, now in its 18th year. 


Trends in Sports & Recreation Centers

Recreation centers and sports centers provide a range of programming, from fitness and youth sports to arts and crafts, senior programs and more. Here, we take a look at Industry Report survey responses from public and private sports and rec centers. 

Trends in Camps

Camp facilities help people of all ages get closer to nature. From sleepaway youth camps and resort campgrounds to basic campground facilities, we cover the trends reported by professionals working for camp facilities. 

More Than Two-Thirds Plan Construction

More than two-thirds of respondents to the Industry Report survey in 2024 said they had plans for construction at their facilities over the next several years. 

Washington, D.C., Park System Ranks as Nation’s Best

Trust for Public Land announced that Washington, D.C., was rated the nation’s best big-city park system by the 2024 ParkScore index. The ParkScore index evaluates park systems in the 100 largest U.S. cities. Minneapolis took second place, and St. Paul, Minn., ranked third, while Irvine, Calif., matched its highest-ever ranking to finish in fourth place.

NDPA and AAP Share Life-Saving Insights on Childhood Drowning Prevention

On the heels of the CDC’s latest Vital Signs report which found an increase in childhood drowning deaths between 2019 and 2023, the National Drowning Prevention Alliance (NDPA) teamed with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) during a virtual panel discussion to brief families on what they need to know to best protect children.