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inPRACTICE / MINI GOLF: R&R for Football Players

At this new center for hard-working football players, the rooftop at the Smith Football Center at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign provides a place to recreate, with mini golf and more.

Flexible Building Solutions

Nonconventional structures are showing their effectiveness through the coronavirus pandemic, from flexible solutions easily adapted to healthcare, to buildings that let fresh air and sunshine in.

Coming Back to Aquatics

Operating an aquatic facility efficiently has long been a challenge. We talked to experienced aquatics programmers to find out how the right programming mix can help.

Money Matters

When we asked readers to respond to our annual survey in January, salaries were well up, year-over-year, and in a May Update Survey, we found that the majority had seen no change, as of yet. Tune in here to find out more about recreation, sports and fitness careers in our Salary Survey.

Here We Go!

In the current world, where everything seems to change at a rapid pace while we're simultaneously stuck in a strange waiting room of sorts, it's nearly impossible to guess what comes next.

Trends in Rec Centers

Whether publicly or privately owned, community sports and recreation centers are an outlet for a wide variety of activities, from team sports to fitness and beyond. Here is an overview of the latest rec center trends.

Trends in Camp Facilities

From campgrounds and RV parks to summer sleepaway camps and more, these facilities provide some respite from the go-go world. Here is an overview of the latest trends in camp facilities.

Trends in YMCAs, YWCAs, JCCs and Boys & Girls Clubs

These nonprofit facilities tend to provide a huge range of programs for people of all ages, from innovative aquatics and team sports to fitness, childcare and more. Here is an overview of trends in Ys and similar facilities.

Trends in Health, Fitness & Sports Clubs

From neighborhood fitness clubs to medical fitness facilities, there's a lot of ways for people to focus on their wellness. Here is an overview of the trends in health, fitness and sports clubs.