Recent Articles

Living the Dream

The University of South Dakota’s Wellness Center recently converted a not-so-popular racquetball court into a functional fitness area that is now seeing more consistent use.


To ensure you are doing all you can to promote safety and effective pool operations, it is wise to focus on standards for equipment, like the new NSF/ANSI 50 standard, which covers aquatic safety surfaces.


The design of a new whitewater park in Fort Collins, Colo., aims to create a space where everyone in the community can find a way to enjoy the river.

A Path Toward Conservation

Thoughtfully planned trails and greenways can provide a myriad of conservation benefits—from preserving ecosystems to providing a pollution-free way for commuters to get from here to there.

The Air in There

When it's not properly managed, the air in natatoriums and other indoor aquatic facilities can become harmful—especially for lifeguards and frequent users. Learn more about how the industry is trying to tackle this challenge.

United in Play

Multigenerational play—with elements for keeping families active together—is one of the driving forces in the most recent playground designs, but that's not all. Playground manufacturers continue to innovate on inclusion, nature-connected play and more.

Inventions Upon Inventions

Benjamin Franklin has no shortage of wisdom to dispense with, even in modern times, as a few hundred attendees of the recent World Aquatic Health Conference in Williamsburg, Va., discovered. "Benjamin Franklin" (or, well, Mitchell Kramer acting as that storied founder) delivered the keynote, talking about a lifetime of exploration and invention—and swimming!—but what's encapsulated in the quote above was on display throughout two days of networking and education.

First Landing State Park in Virginia

I recently was given a copy of the newly released "America's Best Day Hikes: Spectacular Single-Day Hikes Across the States," by Derek Dillinger. The photography is beautiful, and the descriptions of the various hikes are compelling.

No Small Task

Community plans can help define the expectations of the community for its leaders. This is no small task, nor is it simple.

Ready for Action

As fitness routines continue to evolve, so does the demand for innovative fitness equipment. Meeting those needs means more technological connection, more opportunities to engage in a wider variety of activities, and better maintenance ideas to keep it all up and running.