Recent Articles

Sports Fields

When this high school needed a new field for its football team and other programs, it looked to the experience of local experts.

Drought vs. El Nino

Water is central to our climate, and also to our aquatic experiences. Managing water quality and chemistry in swimming pools can be a real challenge in today's crazy climate.

Safety vs. Risk on the Playground

Playground safety has come a long way over the years. But has it come too far? The best playgrounds still encourage children to take risks in order to learn and grow.

A Playground for (All) the Ages

These days, many of us are living longer. And longer lives means more seniors to serve in our communities, and a broader range of active ages and interests and abilities to engage. While playgrounds will almost always be focused on children, more communities are finding ways to encourage play across all generations.

Nature in the City

For those who dwell in urban and even some suburban areas, access to nature can be difficult, or even nonexistent. Here's how park designers help address the shortage—by creating parks that provide a respite from the daily urban grind.

Design Corner: Orchestrating Your Building

The best sports, recreation and fitness facilities are designed by a team that works closely together, with an architect who acts as the conductor to orchestrate the beauty that is the end result.

Get In on the Action

From initial design through operation, skateparks and bike parks are a crucial amenity to the communities they serve, providing an outlet for kids and helping them meet and overcome common challenges.

Making Waves on the Waterfront

Providing a range of recreational options can bring in revenue and boost excitement in the community. From riverfront parks to reclaimed lakes to manmade family aquatic centers, what are some ideas for transforming a source of water into a source of Wow!

Reaching New Heights

Getting your climbing program off the ground means understanding your options, from flexible climbing solutions that help you expand your programming to knowing how to keep everyone safe in your facility.