Recent Articles

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Sports fields often must cater to a diverse range of sports and users—especially those serving park districts and local schools. Here, we talk to the experts about how to set your goals and design effective fields.

YMCA: Rebuilt in a Flash

When lightning struck this community's beloved YMCA, everyone came together to provide a temporary home for important programs while the facility was quickly rebuilt.

Building Solutions: In Full Color

Tensioned membrane structures can be a great, quick solution when you want your facility up and running fast. And with new color options, your ability to customize a unique design has vastly expanded.

Playgrounds: A Community Rebuilds

After losing his father to a fertilizer plant explosion, one boy sought to transform and heal his community through a playground rebuild.

Experience & Education

Whether it's certification for fitness trainers and climbing instructors, or orientation for club members, training and education are a crucial pillar in providing safety at your facility.

Safe & Secure

At the college and professional levels, sports facility security is often a full-time job. But high schools, park districts and other providers of sports tournaments and programs can learn from the pros to improve safety at their own facilities.

Balancing Act

Play equipment is meticulously designed to protect children from catastrophic injury, but it shouldn't eliminate risk entirely. Finding the right balance is important to encouraging children's growth without risking their health.