Recent Articles

The Spirit of Adventure

The Inside Scoop on Climbing, Ninja & Challenge Courses
There are many ways to quench your guests’ thirst for adventure and challenge. Add climbing and bouldering walls, ninja courses and challenge courses to help them test their limits. 

Finding Your Footing

Innovations in Sports & Fitness Surfaces
Selecting the right surface for indoor sports and fitness activities can make all the difference, providing a pleasant aesthetic while improving safety and performance for guests and athletes. Learn more about how to select indoor surfaces to meet a variety of needs. 

An Ounce of Prevention

Proactive Aquatic Maintenance Practices
Best practices in aquatic facility maintenance serve as the proverbial ounce of prevention, preventing pool shutdowns and other extreme measures. Learn more about the best ways to keep your pool in tiptop shape.

Read the Signs

Trends in Signage & Wayfinding 
Signage for your facility can serve myriad purposes, from providing education and information to helping visitors orient themselves and find their way. Learn more about the latest in sign design strategies.

Go Green, Save Green

Designers Take Different Paths to Eco-Friendly Facilities
For many recreational facilities, environmentally friendly design goes hand-in-hand with a positive marketing message and budget-saving strategies. Learn more about how facilities are growing sustainability. 

Of Fools & Flowers

Don’t be a fool this April. Take action to make your facility more sustainable.