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Renovating a Classic Fountain

Atlanta’s Hurt Park and its iconic fountain have been downtown city fixtures for more than eight decades. A recent extensive renovation aimed to address time’s toll on the site.

Get Rid of Stains

No commercial aquatic facility wants stains in their pools. Here are tips on getting a stain-free pool with sparkling water. 

Step Into Swim Announces Partnerships

Step Into Swim, an initiative of the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA) dedicated to creating more swimmers through safe swim education, announced strategic partnerships with key program supporters Master Pools Guild (MPG), Northeast Spa & Pool Association (NESPA) Foundation, and Periodic Products, Inc.

Trust for Public Land Applauds the Reintroduction of the Outdoors for All Act

Sens. Alex Padilla and Susan Collins reintroduced the Outdoors for All Act in the U.S. Senate.  They were joined by Representatives Nannette Barragan (D-CA44) and Michael Turner (R-OH10) who introduced companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bipartisan act, if passed, would codify the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) program.