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New Research Says Caregivers Should Expand Supervision Skills to Prevent Child Drownings

On average, there are 11 deaths due to drowning in the United States every day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and drowning is the leading cause of death in children ages 1 through 4. In light of this, a researcher from the University of Alabama at Birmingham has published guidance to help caregivers prevent drownings.

Nearly Half of Parks Work to Make Nature Connections

Nearly half (46.4%) of respondents working for parks and recreation departments and districts who responded to the Industry Report survey said they are currently involved in initiatives to connect people with nature.

Report: Parks & Recreation Helps Improve Sustainability

Some 10,000 park and recreation agencies across the country have the potential to create community-wide sustainability measures that can improve the environment while promoting human and ecosystem health and cost savings, according to a new report from the National Recreation and Park Association.