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The Community Experience

Flexibility is essential to the design of successful rec centers, whether they're designed for a diverse local community or a college campus. Learn more about trends in rec center design.

Emerging Trends in Sports Facility Design

Sports facility design is always looking to upgrade the experience—for players, for viewers and for coaches and staff. This year is no exception, with special attention given to health.

Hindsight Is 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has presented some unique challenge to recreation, sports and fitness facilities, leading to innovations in design for what's outside.

Just Add Water

If there were ever any doubt about just how much people love aquatic venues, from swimming pools and splash pads to aquatic parks and hot tubs, just witness what happened when these facilities were forced to shut down in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

You've Come a Long Way!

In my 15 years of covering the design of parks, recreation, sports, fitness and aquatic facilities here in these pages, I've seen some impressive innovations. As the spotlight of popular opinion shines on everything from reducing our negative impact on the environment to reaching out to those who are excluded to improving our chances at better health, those trends are then reflected in our expectations of the places we live, work, move and play.

SHAPE America: Creating Healthy Bodies & Minds

Founded in 1885, SHAPE America - Society of Health and Physical Educators - is the voice of more than 200,000 health and physical education professionals across the United States. The SHAPE America community consists of health and physical educators in addition to advocates, supporters and more than 50 state affiliate organizations.

Specialty Chemicals for Special Times

Proper pool care is based on preventing disease, protecting equipment and providing the expected swimmer experience. Maintaining adequate sanitation is the key to all three.

Transforming a Historic Y

As part of the Gateway Region YMCA’s strategic plan and capital development initiative, the Bayer YMCA underwent a $2.5 million renovation, bringing its offerings in line with modern demand.